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Lawn Options...

Many cemeteries only allow for simple flat memorials for lawn areas, but there is still a lot of choice and you can get quite creative. Here are some ideas

Recumbent Desk Sets | Stand Alone Recumbent Desks | Plaques

...Recumbent Desk Sets

Sets allow for you to have lots of writing surfaces and options for flowers with your memorial.

Black Recument Desk Book with vase blocks and plinth - Grey Recumbent Dest with matching vase blocks and plinth.

Black Recumbent Desk and plinth with two vase holes - Black Recumbent Desk with single vase hole

Grey Recument Desk Book with vase blocks and plinth - Grey Vase Block - Black Vase Block

Rock edge Recumbent Desk with Vase hole

...Recumbent Desks

Recumbent Desks are a simple piece of granite designed to show the inscription at an angle.

Black Recumbent Desk with Ceramic Portrait - Sage Green Recumbent Desk with small marble angels

Emerald Pearl Recumbent Desk - Paradiso Recumbent Desk

Sea Grey Recumbent Desk- Kerala Green Recumbent Desk


Are flat pieces of granite either with a sawn edge or completely polished they can be mounted flat on the ground or raised with concrete to be similar to a recumbent desk.

Sawn edge plaque in Grey - Polished edge plaque in Sea Grey

Sawn Edge Plaque inscripted with artwork and ceramic photo. Ready for installation.

Sawn Edge Plaque with inscription embossed.

Large Bronze Plaque

Small Bronze Plaque